Deep Patience


You must be a hundred percent here, then work becomes possible.

What to do? Your mind is cunning – clever, you call it, but it is cunning. It calculates, it cannot take a risk. That’s why you have been wandering for so many lives. You were near Buddha, you were near Jesus, you have seen Mohammad – you have seen many masters, but you bypass them just because of your cleverness. Your cleverness is your stupidity. Even with a Buddha you calculate – and what can you calculate? Life is such a mystery; it cannot be explained in terms of logic. And a person like Buddha is so mysterious that whatsoever you come to conclude will be wrong, and by the time you have concluded Buddha will have changed. By the time you have come to a decision, Buddha is not the same – because Buddha is a river, a river like phenomenon, flowing. Conclusion will take time, and you will miss.

Religion is for those who are like gamblers, who can take risks…

Vedanta: Seven Steps To Samadhi: Akshya Upanishad

Ch # 5. In deep patience