Flexible Techniques


One thief comes to a saint and he says, ”I am a thief. Tell me how to meditate.” The saint says, ”First leave your profession. How can you meditate if you remain a thief?”
One alcoholic comes and he says, ”I am an alcoholic. How can I meditate?” The saint says, ”The first condition is, leave alcohol, only then can you meditate.” The conditions become suicidal. The man is alcoholic or a thief or immoral because he has a disturbed mind, an ill mind. These are the effects, the consequences of the diseased mind, and he is told, ”First be well and then you can meditate.” But then who needs meditation? Meditation is medicinal. It is a medicine.
Tantra is amoral. It doesn’t ask you who you are. Your being a man is enough. Wherever you are, whatsoever you are, you are accepted.

Choose a technique which fits you, put your total energy into it, and you will not be the same again. Real, authentic techniques always will be like that. If I make preconditions, it shows I have a pseudo technique – I say, ”First do this and first do not do that, and then…” And those are impossible conditions because a thief can change his objects, but be cannot become a non-thief.
A greedy man can change the objects of his greed, but he cannot become non-greedy. You can force him or he can force upon himself non-greed, but it is also only because of a certain greed. If heaven is promised he may even try to be non-greedy. But this is greed par excellence. Heaven,
MOKSHA – liberation; SATCHITANANDA – existence, consciousness, bliss, they will be the objects of his greed.



Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, Vol 1

The World Of Tantra