Saturday, March 29, 2025
Tags Love

Tag: Love

Business Or Love ?

I have heard... An elderly couple went to a doctor. The man said, ’We want to know if we are making love properly. Will...


"Take hold of your own life. See that the whole existence is celebrating. These trees are not serious, these birds are not serious. The...

Quiet And Silent

AND ALL IS UTTERLY QUIET AND SILENT ( a Sannyas initiation ) The song is there, the dance is there, the flower exists and the...

Death Of Marilyn Monroe

One of the most famous actresses, Marilyn Monroe, committed suicide, and psychoanalysts have been brooding on the reason why. She was one of the...

Difference Between Love And Respect

There was one great teacher, A. S. Neill. He was teaching one day in his classroom, and his students were sitting as they liked. One...

Love And Relationship

"The highest state of Love is not a relationship at all, it is simply a state of your Being. Just as trees are green,...

Marriage ?

Love affairs have been failing, and parents feel very happy. People come to me and they say, "Look, in the West love affairs have...

What Love Is?

One of the most fundamental illusions of humanity is that everybody thinks that he knows what love is; hence nobody discovers it. Everybody assumes...

Love And Death

Lover knows nothing of sacrifice. When you are surrendered, you are dead as far as your ego is concerned. Then whatsoever happens, you not...

Mind To The Heart

Do you know when you fall in love with a woman or a man? Have you any answer why? Can you answer it? It simply...