The Path Of Meditation


One woman was here just a few days before. Her husband had died just during the past month. She was disturbed. She came to me and she said, ”Only assure me that he is reborn in a good place and then everything will be okay. Just give me a certainty that he has not gone to hell or he has not become an animal, that he is in heaven or he has become a god or some such thing. If you can just assure me of this, then everything is okay. Then I can bear it; otherwise I am miserable.”

The priest would say, ”Okay! Your husband is born as a god in the seventh heaven, and he is very happy. And he is waiting for you.”

These prayers, they make you adjusted to the pattern… you feel better. Meditation is a science. It is not going to help you in adjustment, it is going to help you in transformation. That is why I say these three signs will be there as indications. Silence will come, but not as an adjustment. Silence will come as an inner flowering. Then silence will not be an adjustment with the society, with the family, the world, the business – no! Then silence will be a real harmony with the universe.

Then a deep harmony flowers between you and the totality, then there is silence – but that will come later. First you will get disturbed, first you will become mad.

If a technique fits, it will make you aware of everything that you are. Your anarchy, your mind, your madness, everything will come to light. You are just a dark mess. When a technique fits, it is as if suddenly there is light and the whole mess becomes apparent. For the first time you will encounter yourself as you are. You would like to put the light off and go to sleep again – it is fearful. This is the point where the master becomes helpful. He says, ”Do not be afraid. This is just the beginning. And do not escape from it.”
At first this light shows you what you are, and if you can go on and on, it transforms you toward what you can be.


Vigyan Bhairav Tantra Volume 1

The Path Of Yoga And The Path Of Tantra
